Dr. Lisa Olszewski, wellness speaker in Chelsea
Six Ways to Get More Energy Without Caffeine

Do you just feel sluggish, like you’re merely going through the motions in life? Do you feel like you are drinking coffee by the bucketful, and it’s just not helping anymore? While you hear about these new solutions for more energy, they, quite frankly, sound dangerous. 

But the solution to more energy might not be in a bottle or cup, well at least not in the sense of consuming something that’s specifically designed to give you energy.

Instead, the solution might be making lifestyle improvements. And we at Precision Spinal Care, also referred to as A Spine at a Time, serving Chelsea, MI, and the nearby region, have some recommendations. 

1. Stay Hydrated  

If you’re dehydrated, you may be more tired than usual. When your body doesn’t have enough water, it can affect your blood pressure and ultimately impact blood flow throughout the body, including the brain. Therefore, aim to drink more water. You can calculate exactly using your body weight or merely strive to drink eight glasses of water per day. 

2. Make Some Diet Changes  

Your diet might be the reason why you’re sluggish. Change to one that includes whole grains as opposed to refined ones. Consume a diet high in protein, and while it doesn’t help your energy per se, choosing ones that are low in fat is good for your body. 

When our patients come to us with issues with feeling sluggish, we ask questions about their dietary habits, not because we’re nosey but because they have a profound impact on a person’s energy levels and overall health. 

Based on the information we collect, we may recommend you reduce your intake of certain foods, like refined sugars.

3. Start Eating Breakfast  

You’re busy in the mornings. We completely understand. You might have kids to get off to school. Not to mention, you might need to be at work at a certain time. Sitting down for breakfast just doesn’t seem feasible for a lot of people nowadays.  

However, it can be when you don’t have to sit. Choose something like a fruit smoothie that you make the night before, a breakfast burrito wrapped to go, or breakfast bagels. The goal is to get nutrients and energy for the day. 

4. Exercise 

We know what you’re thinking… it’s difficult to exercise when you’re tired and have limited energy. But, by forcing yourself to get more exercise, you’ll feel more alert. Exercise helps the body obtain more oxygen, which helps you feel more awake. 

Physical movement stimulates the release of endorphins, which in return, wards off depression and anxiety, possibly making you feel better and ready to handle whatever comes your way. 

You’re also helping circulate oxygen and nutrients better throughout the body whenever you exercise. 

5. Get on a Sleep Schedule 

No matter how old you are, it’s not too late to develop good sleep habits. Calculate backward from the time you need to wake up at least seven to nine hours. That’s a perfect bedtime for you. If you’re having trouble falling asleep at that time, try restricting tablet and phone use at night, exercising enough during the day, and stopping caffeine several hours before bed. 

Eventually, you’ll get on a good sleep schedule, though it may take a bit of time. You’ll eventually reset your circadian rhythm

6. See a Chiropractor 

This tip might baffle you a bit since you may wonder how someone who helps with back pain can help you feel more energized. 

First, if we do reduce your pain, not just in your back but anywhere, you’ll have an easier time getting to sleep and remaining that way throughout the night. And our treatments — in general — even if you’re not in pain, may help you get a better night’s sleep. 

Plus, when you’re in our office, we can provide you with lifestyle and diet advice that may assist with improving your energy levels. 

Precision Spinal Care, serving Chelsea, MI, and the neighboring communities, is here to give you a better night’s sleep and put more spring in your step through natural means and none that are related to ingesting more caffeine. And you can take other steps at home, like getting on a better sleep schedule. 
Book an appointment at our office today to see how chiropractic care can benefit your life by calling 734-433-9564 or using our online form.

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