Improving Posture for Better Health

Improving Posture for Better Health

Let’s get something straight, well since I’m a chiropractor, that would be your back. (Yes, that pun was so intended.) But, on a serious note, it’s important to know that your posture has a direct impact on your health and wellness. And as a Chelsea, MI, chiropractor, we know this all too well. 

We see people come into our office complaining of back pain, and we discover they have a variety of other issues that could stem from their poor posture, such as chronic fatigue. 

That’s why our posture correction service isn’t necessarily angled at helping with back pain alone. We stress that it can be a secret to better health in general. 

General Information 

Your posture describes how you sit or stand, particularly the alignment of your spine with your head, shoulders, and joints. 

Some people are born with poor posture. For others, the problem starts as they get older. 

Sometimes, it’s an injury that causes it. And these are merely some of the reasons why you may have poor posture. 

When you throw this out of alignment, you put stress on the muscles and other soft tissue in your back, causing you pain.

On the other hand, poor posture also causes you to exert more energy because it’s working your body harder. Therefore, even if you’ve spent all day sitting and playing on your tablet, you may feel completely wiped out if you have poor posture. 

Let’s take when you’re hunched over your phone as an example. You’re bending your neck in an abnormal way, which could be causing you to have difficulty breathing. 

You probably didn’t even realize that poor posture can hinder your digestion as well. Think about it, when you sit or stand with poor posture, you’re putting stress on your digestive tract. As a result, you may then experience frequent constipation and acid reflux. 

Diagnosing Poor Posture 

At this point, you may already know you have poor posture but are unsure of how to correct it. 

Or perhaps, you’ve been told by somebody that you have poor posture and should stand up straight and tall and are a bit skeptical. 

Fortunately, no matter the case, our Chelsea chiropractor can determine if you have any degree of poor posture. 

The first step of an appointment for chiropractic postural correction is to know for certain if you have poor posture and the extent of it. We’ll ask to see you sit and stand normally. Our specialist may ask you to move in certain manners. 

Our chiropractor will evaluate your height and perform an examination of your back. One of our practitioners will feel different areas of your back to check for tenderness or pain. 

Chiropractic Poor Posture Correction  

At our practice, we’ll help you achieve better posture, which can help you live a better life. You’ll be able to do more when you don’t feel as tired, and you can do more without pain. Plus, even your digestive tract will thank you. 

We’ll teach you exercises that can strengthen and stretch the soft tissue in the area, making it easier for you to retain good posture. 

A practitioner will show you good posture and help you to utilize it and how you can train yourself to focus on how you sit or stand. 

During your visit, we’ll explain ways you can take at home to better your posture, such as by switching your office chair.

A Spine at a Time, serving Chelsea, MI, and the nearby region, stresses the importance of good posture and how it can give you that “new life” you want, one with less pain and more energy. 

Give us a call at 734-433-9564 for an appointment, or fill out our convenient online form.

Tips for Reducing Neck Pain From a Chelsea, MI, Chiropractor

Tips for Reducing Neck Pain From a Chelsea, MI, Chiropractor

Neck pain is a common occurrence. In fact, two out of three people will experience it at some point in their lives. While it’s definitely an unfortunate problem, there’s help out there to ease the pain. You can also take steps to lessen the occurrence or severity of it.

We’d like to stress that at Precision Spinal Care, also referred to as A Spine at a Time, we’re available to help with this type of pain.

1. Stop Staring Down at Your Phone Too Much

Shockingly, or possibly not shockingly when you go out and see people staring at their phones everywhere they go, the average person spends over three hours per day on their phones. Imagine the strain on their necks. 

And keep in mind this isn’t taking into account the number of people who are on their laptops or tablets, looking downward, just like those that are on their phones.

While you may need to keep in contact with certain people and have to check certain accounts each day, limit the time you’re on your phone, tablet, or laptop as much as possible.

Give yourself a certain amount of time you can be on your device. Take frequent breaks when you’re on it.

2. Move Your Neck Frequently

Even when you’re not on your phone and you’re looking forward or upward for another reason, make sure you’re moving your neck frequently. You don’t want to strain the body part.

Therefore, any time your neck is in an abnormal position for a prolonged length of time, make sure you’re moving it every so often.

3. Use Ergonomics to Your Advantage

Consider purchasing an ergonomic chair. It’ll help you keep your neck in the proper position while you sit for long periods of time. These chairs provide just the right amount of support in the ideal areas to prevent neck pain.

Whenever you work on a desktop or laptop, always position the monitor so it’s at eye level. You should NEVER have to strain your neck to see it.

If you have to use your phone, hold it up in front of your face or use a pillow or other items to prop it up so it remains at eye level.

Rather than holding your phone between your neck and shoulders when you speak, use the speakerphone feature whenever possible or invest in a headset.

Try using text-to-speech whenever possible.

4. Limit the Number of Pillows You Use

Doesn’t a bed look so much more luxurious whenever you have a pile of pillows on it?

Sleeping with one or two pillows under your neck is plenty. Any more than that, and you could find yourself with quite a neckache in the morning, as it places stress on your neck.

5. Use Hot and Cold Therapy

As a general rule, cold works well whenever you have a short-term injury, whereas warm/hot works best whenever you have a long-term or chronic injury or issue.

Sometimes, it takes experimenting or using both to help you find the optimal level of relief.

6. Receive Chiropractic Care

If you have neck pain, either acute or chronic, reach out to a Chelsea chiropractor for relief. We can help guide you through exercises that work the spine in that region slowly. 

The point of them is to stretch the muscles and other soft tissue to provide relief. In the process, you encourage blood flow to the area as well.

Sometimes, the treatment is a chiropractic adjustment, which alleviates pressure on the soft tissue and nerves beside the spine. 

Call us today at 734-433-9564, or use our convenient online form

Breathe Easy: How Upper Cervical Health Elevates Your Respiratory Wellness

Breathe Easy: How Upper Cervical Health Elevates Your Respiratory Wellness

From the moment we take our first breath to the last, the act of breathing is often taken for granted. Yet, the quality of our breath can dramatically impact the quality of our life.

The fascinating connection between upper cervical health and our respiratory system often goes unnoticed, but it’s a link that can unlock an array of health benefits.

At Precision Spinal Care in Chelsea, MI, Dr. Lisa Olszewski employs a unique focus on upper cervical health to improve breathing and, by extension, enhance overall wellness.

Let’s delve into the myriad ways upper cervical care can elevate your respiratory wellness.

An Overlooked Connection: The Cervical Spine and Respiratory Health

An Overlooked Connection: The Cervical Spine and Respiratory Health

The upper cervical region consists of the top two vertebrae—Atlas (C1) and Axis (C2)—and forms a conduit for vital nerve pathways. These pathways interact with the nervous system, which in turn governs the functioning of our organs, including the lungs.

A misalignment here can compromise the neural communication with the respiratory system, leading to challenges that can range from mild to severe.

The Respiratory Revolution: Benefits of Aligning Your Upper Cervical Spine

The Respiratory Revolution: Benefits of Aligning Your Upper Cervical Spine

1. Optimized Breathing: By ensuring proper alignment, upper cervical care can improve lung capacity and optimize breathing patterns, essential for both daily activities and athletic pursuits.

2. Allergy and Asthma Relief: Poor communication between the nervous system and respiratory system can exacerbate allergies and asthma symptoms. Upper cervical care can offer significant relief by restoring optimal neural function.

3. Increased Oxygen Intake: A well-aligned cervical spine promotes better lung expansion during breathing, allowing more oxygen to circulate throughout the body.

4. Stress and Anxiety Management: Proper breathing has been shown to alleviate stress and anxiety. Therefore, optimizing the cervical spine can contribute to emotional well-being by enhancing respiratory function.

Clinical Care with Dr. Lisa Olszewski

A hallmark of Dr. Lisa Olszewski’s approach at Precision Spinal Care is a custom-tailored care plan designed to meet the specific needs and health goals of each patient.

Through state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and techniques, she aims to address the root cause of any misalignments that may be impacting your respiratory health.

Real Stories, Real Results

Real Stories, Real Results

Patients who have undergone upper cervical adjustments with Dr. Lisa Olszewski often report dramatic improvements in their respiratory health.

From athletes who notice better stamina due to improved breathing, to individuals who find relief from chronic respiratory conditions, the testimonials are numerous and diverse.

Actionable Steps: What You Can Do Today

While upper cervical adjustments are incredibly effective, they work best as part of a broader health strategy. Dr. Lisa Olszewski often recommends specific exercises and lifestyle changes that can complement the benefits of upper cervical care.

In Conclusion: Breathe Better with Upper Cervical Care

In Conclusion: Breathe Better with Upper Cervical Care

The relationship between upper cervical health and respiratory function is a vital aspect of holistic well-being. By focusing on this interconnectedness, upper cervical care opens a pathway to not just better breathing but also an enhanced quality of life.

Ready to breathe easier? Contact Dr. Lisa Olszewski and the team at Precision Spinal Care in Chelsea, MI.

We are proud to serve the residents of Chelsea, Dexter, Grass Lake, Ann Arbor, Gregory, Pinckney, Manchester, Munith, Bridgewater, Whitmore Lake, Lakeland, Norvell, Hamburg, Stockbridge, and neighboring communities.

Start your journey to better breathing and overall wellness with us today.

Beyond the Finish Line: Maximize Your Athletic Performance with Upper Cervical Chiropractic

Beyond the Finish Line: Maximize Your Athletic Performance with Upper Cervical Chiropractic

Whether you’re a seasoned athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or a weekend warrior, your performance isn’t just about training hard; it’s also about taking care of your body.

Among the plethora of ways to boost athletic performance, one often overlooked avenue is upper cervical chiropractic care. Dr. Lisa Olszewski and the dedicated team at Precision Spinal Care in Chelsea, MI, are leaders in this specialized field that can dramatically enhance your athletic prowess.

The Athletic Anatomy: Why Upper Cervical Care Matters

The Athletic Anatomy- Why Upper Cervical Care Matters

Understanding how upper cervical care can boost athletic performance starts with a grasp of basic anatomy.

The upper cervical spine, consisting of the first two vertebrae in the neck, has a profound impact on neurological functions and spinal health.

Any misalignment in this area can compromise everything from your coordination and balance to muscle strength and endurance.

Getting to the Core: Upper Cervical Care as a Game Changer

Getting to the Core: Upper Cervical Care as a Game Changer

The upper cervical region is like the command center of your body’s performance attributes.

Misalignments can often lead to:

  • Reduced stamina
  • Diminished coordination
  • Lower pain thresholds
  • Impaired focus

By realigning the vertebrae in the upper cervical area, athletes can often unlock an extra layer of performance, experience decreased fatigue, and enjoy quicker recovery times.

The Procedural Line-up: What to Expect

1. Advanced Diagnostics: Dr. Lisa Olszewski utilizes state-of-the-art diagnostic technology to pinpoint the specific issues affecting your upper cervical alignment.

2. Strategic Treatment Plans: Using these insights, a highly personalized and targeted treatment plan is developed, focusing on the individual biomechanics that influence your athletic performance.

3. Adaptive Follow-up: After initiating treatment, Dr. Lisa Olszewski ensures that the plan is working as intended and makes iterative adjustments to optimize outcomes.

4. Sustained Excellence: Beyond the adjustments, Dr. Lisa offers comprehensive lifestyle guidance, from nutrition to exercise, that works in synergy with upper cervical adjustments to boost your athletic performance.

The Holistic Strategy: Beyond Spinal Adjustments

The Holistic Strategy: Beyond Spinal Adjustments

Dr. Lisa Olszewski’s approach to upper cervical chiropractic is multi-faceted. Her treatment protocols go beyond spinal adjustments to include advice on nutrition, sleep, and stress management.

These complementary strategies can amplify the benefits of the upper cervical adjustments, providing a more comprehensive approach to athletic performance improvement.

Lasting Effects: The Prolonged Benefits of Upper Cervical Chiropractic for Athletes

Lasting Effects: The Prolonged Benefits of Upper Cervical Chiropractic for Athletes

An optimized upper cervical region provides a foundation for sustainable athletic performance.

Long-term benefits may include:

  • Improved balance and coordination
  • Increased strength and endurance
  • Quicker recovery from injuries
  • Enhanced focus and mental acuity

DIY Corner: At-home Practices for Athletic Optimization

DIY Corner: At-home Practices for Athletic Optimization

Apart from in-clinic treatments, Dr. Lisa Olszewski provides her patients with actionable takeaways that can be incorporated into their daily routines.

This set of easy-to-follow recommendations is designed to reinforce the benefits of upper cervical chiropractic care, making a difference both on and off the field.

In Conclusion: Elevate Your Athletic Aspirations

Whether you are looking to set a new personal record, make the team, or simply get the most out of your recreational activities, upper cervical chiropractic care could be the missing piece in your performance puzzle.

Ready to take your athletic prowess to the next level? Reach out to Dr. Lisa Olszewski and the team at Precision Spinal Care in Chelsea, MI.

We are honored to serve athletes and residents from Chelsea, Dexter, Grass Lake, Ann Arbor, Gregory, Pinckney, Manchester, Munith, Bridgewater, Whitmore Lake, Lakeland, Norvell, Hamburg, Stockbridge, and the surrounding communities. Book your appointment today and discover what you’re truly capable of!

Yoga for Back Pain: Should You Give it a Try?

Yoga for Back Pain: Should You Give it a Try?

So you’re interested in easing your back pain? You’re not alone. We see patients on a regular basis who suffer from it. In fact, Georgetown University states that over 16 million individuals in the U.S. have back pain. 

If you’re one of them, we encourage you to visit our chiropractor in Chelsea at Precision Spinal Care, also known as A Spine at Time. Furthermore, we want to shed some light on using yoga for back pain, especially considering the fact that this modality has shown to be effective, there might be other ways you can enhance your back pain relief. Is yoga one of those? 

General Information About Yoga 

First and foremost, you should know that yoga describes stretches geared toward enhancing both your physical and mental well-being. Some are slow movements/stretches while others are more fast-paced. Two prime examples are Vinyasa (fast) and Hatha (slow). 

No matter what type of yoga you participate in, the purpose of it is to stretch the body. In most cases, you’ll also focus on your breathing, which helps establish different levels of consciousness. The increased oxygen is good for your brain, lungs, and heart, and it’s also beneficial to ease stress. 

Yoga’s Effect on Back Pain 

While it’s clear that yoga may have some benefits, you may be curious as to what other benefits it could have, specifically if it could help with back pain. 

You should know that your back has a few muscle groups, three to be exact. These groups work together to provide back support. Although your back isn’t super flexible, what movement it does have, you want to retain. A prime example is the multifidus muscle, which provides support for the vertebrae. 

With yoga, especially when you focus on stretches that work the area, you can work those muscles and the other soft tissue that makes up each muscle group. Ultimately, this means that yoga has the potential to stretch all of these. The movements then draw more blood to the area to promote healing. 

We should note that the stretches can help with your posture. As a result, when you’re sitting and even standing, you’ll put less stress on your lower back, which can ease your pain at the end of each night. 

Additionally, yoga increases flexibility and can reduce inflammation. When you perform yoga, you also decrease stress levels. As you reduce your stress levels, you’re easing up on the tension you’re placing on your muscles. This can even have an impact on how you perceive pain. 

What Studies Show 

So does research support the use of yoga for back pain? 

Fortunately, a study published by Harvard Medical School shows that yoga may benefit people who have arthritis, fibromyalgia, and lower back pain in general. 

You’ll also find that studies indicate yoga can help with mobility and pain relief. 

Safety & Considerations 

For the most part, yoga is considered safe for most healthy people. However, it does have the possibility of increasing pain in some people since it can lead to small tears in the soft tissue — known as microtears. 

Some people may not be able to participate in yoga safely if they have certain medical conditions. 

To ensure your safety, a chiropractor in Chelsea, MI, from our practice will thoroughly evaluate you. 

Based on the results, our practitioner can determine if the treatment is safe for you or not. 

If you can’t partake in all forms of yoga safely, we’ll provide you with advice on which forms are most suitable for you, such as slower yoga styles. We can also supply you with insight into what you can do to ease your pain. 

As you can see, yoga may have an impact on your back pain. However, not everyone experiences the same results, and for some, it can make the pain worse. When you visit a Chelsea chiropractor from Precision Spinal Care, we can provide you with customized advice.

Call us today at 734-433-9564 for an appointment. You can also use our convenient online form