Reinforcing Immunity: Unlocking the Benefits of Upper Cervical Care for a Robust Immune System

Reinforcing Immunity: Unlocking the Benefits of Upper Cervical Care for a Robust Immune System

If there’s one thing we’ve all come to appreciate recently, it’s the value of a robust immune system. As our primary defense against illness and disease, a well-functioning immune system is critical for maintaining optimal health. One less-known factor that plays a crucial role in supporting our immune system is the health of our upper cervical spine.

At Precision Spinal Care in Chelsea, MI, Dr. Lisa Olszewski utilizes upper cervical chiropractic care to help enhance the immune function of her patients.

This blog post will delve into how this specialized form of care plays a pivotal role in fortifying your immunity.

The Connection: Upper Cervical Spine and the Immune System

The Connection- Upper Cervical Spine and the Immune System

The upper cervical spine, comprising the atlas (C1) and axis (C2) vertebrae, is incredibly important due to its direct influence on the brainstem and central nervous system.

These systems manage communication between the brain and the rest of the body, including the immune system. Any misalignment in the upper cervical spine can interfere with this communication, potentially affecting the immune system’s response to threats.

Upper cervical care is specifically designed to address these misalignments, restoring proper communication and function. This has a positive cascading effect on all body systems, including the immune system.

Unlocking Immune System Benefits with Upper Cervical Care

Unlocking Immune System Benefits with Upper Cervical Care

Optimizing Communication:

When the upper cervical spine is aligned, the nervous system can function at its best, facilitating optimal communication between the brain and immune system.

This allows for timely immune responses to potential threats, such as bacteria, viruses, and other harmful pathogens.

Reducing Stress:

Reducing Stress

Chronic stress can wreak havoc on the immune system. Misalignments in the upper cervical spine can contribute to stress, as they disrupt the body’s natural balance. By correcting these misalignments, upper cervical care can help alleviate stress and support a healthier immune response.

Promoting Overall Health:

Overall Health

A well-functioning nervous system promotes better health overall, which in turn supports a stronger immune system.

Regular upper cervical care helps maintain proper spinal alignment and optimal nervous system function, contributing to better overall health and a more robust immune response.

Addressing Chronic Inflammation:

Addressing Chronic Inflammation

Misalignments in the spine can lead to chronic inflammation, which can overtax the immune system over time. Upper cervical chiropractic care can help address the root cause of this inflammation, relieving the burden on the immune system.

Your Ally in Health: Dr. Lisa Olszewski

At Precision Spinal Care in Chelsea, MI, Dr. Lisa Olszewski is dedicated to helping her patients achieve optimal health through regular upper cervical chiropractic care.

She understands the powerful connection between the upper cervical spine and the immune system, and how correcting misalignments can bolster immune function.

Her gentle, targeted approach to care is designed to address your individual needs, enhancing not only your immune health but your overall well-being as well.

Conclusion: Invest in Your Immune Health with Upper Cervical Care

Conclusion- Invest in Your Immune Health with Upper Cervical Care

In an era where our immune health is more important than ever, understanding and utilizing all available tools to enhance our immune function is crucial. Upper cervical chiropractic care provides a natural, non-invasive means of supporting a robust immune system, empowering you to take control of your health.

To learn more about the benefits of upper cervical care for immune health, schedule a consultation with Dr. Lisa Olszewski at Precision Spinal Care in Chelsea, MI.

Serving residents of Chelsea, Dexter, Grass Lake, Ann Arbor, Gregory, Pinckney, Manchester, Munith, Bridgewater, Whitmore Lake, Lakeland, Norvell, Hamburg, Stockbridge, and neighboring communities, we’re here to support your journey to a healthier, more resilient you. Unlock the potential of upper cervical care, and reinforce your body’s natural defenses today.

Tips for Working Out With Back Pain

Tips for Working Out With Back Pain

Back pain doesn’t take a backseat so you can get the daily physical activity you need for optimal overall health. And despite not being able to exercise, that doesn’t stop you from requiring a minimum of 150 minutes of physical activity each week, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This is obviously quite a problem.

So what can you do to get moving in spite of your back pain? As a musculoskeletal and pain management specialist, our Chelsea chiropractor at Precision Spinal Care, also known as A Spine at a Time, has some tips so back pain will no longer be an excuse.

Start Slow

Whether you see professional athletes on TV or have friends and family who are avid gym junkies, these started out slow, even if they didn’t have an extra obstacle in the way. 

Think about it for a second. You have to build your muscles. Overdoing exercise puts you at risk of a number of injuries. When you push yourself past your limits during workouts, you’ll find it hinders future exercise sessions.

So don’t let all the health nuts fool you – they started out slow because slow and steady truly wins the race for better physical health.

Listen to Your Body

You may have heard “Listen to Your Heart,” but as a Chelsea chiropractor my motto is “listen to your body.” Pain is your body’s warning system, like those lights on the dashboard of your car. 

While a little bit of pain helps to build muscle, more than a little puts you at risk for an injury. Therefore, if you notice you’re feeling more than a little back pain, take a break. You could change the exercise to something that isn’t placing pressure on your back.

Try Low-Impact and Back Friendly Exercises

An exercise program that fits one person doesn’t work for another. Physical activity is not truly a one-size-fits-all concept. You’ll notice that even physical trainers don’t have the same workout routine. And while theirs is in direct relation to the parts of the body and overall health goals they have, the average person should focus on the exercises that most fit in with their lifestyle, health conditions, etc.

Fortunately, there are numerous exercises that you can do to reach the recommended daily amount of exercise. For one, swimming is a low-impact exercise when it comes to your joints. 

So get out and do some laps regularly!

If swimming isn’t always a choice or isn’t up your alley, try walking or jogging. Make sure you wear supportive shoes, though, as they provide a stable foundation, which helps your knees and back.

And we’d like to note that these are merely some suggestions.

See Our Chiropractor

Visiting our Chelsea chiropractor can help you in two ways. For one, through spinal adjustments and other natural treatments, our practitioner can ease your back pain. Exercise therapy, for instance, can help you recover from an injury and strengthen and increase flexion in the back.

Secondly, our chiropractor can provide you with exercise recommendations that won’t stress your back.

Correct Some Bad, Pain-Causing Habits

Even if bad habits, like poor posture and leading a sedentary lifestyle, didn’t cause your back pain, they still add to it. Therefore, correct your posture when you stand, sit, or walk. Fortunately, our chiropractor can help!

And if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, make it a point to get up more.

At Precision Spine, we don’t just want to see you have less back pain. We want you to live your best life, complete with getting all the physical activity you need.

So give us a call today at 734-433-9564 to use our online contact form

Powering Up: The Ultimate Guide to Performance Optimization through Upper Cervical Care

Powering Up: The Ultimate Guide to Performance Optimization through Upper Cervical Care

In the quest for optimal performance, whether it be athletic, cognitive, or even in daily tasks, we often overlook one critical component – our upper cervical health. This crucial region, composed of the first two vertebrae in the spinal column, plays a significant role in our overall well-being and performance.

At Precision Spinal Care in Chelsea, MI, Dr. Lisa Olszewski leverages the principles of upper cervical chiropractic to unlock this untapped potential, boosting performance across different areas.

Here is your ultimate guide to performance optimization through upper cervical care.

The Power Center: Understanding the Role of the Upper Cervical Spine

The Power Center- Understanding the Role of the Upper Cervical Spine

The upper cervical spine is a vital crossroad where the nervous system interacts with the rest of the body. Any misalignment in this area can disrupt this communication, potentially affecting various bodily functions and hindering optimal performance.

Unlocking Performance: The Benefits of Upper Cervical Care

Enhanced Physical Performance

1. Enhanced Physical Performance:

Upper cervical care can improve motor control and coordination, critical for athletic performance. It also aids in injury prevention and recovery, ensuring athletes remain in top form.

2. Boosted Cognitive Function:

By ensuring optimal blood flow to the brain and promoting efficient nerve communication, upper cervical care can enhance cognitive functions like memory, attention, and problem-solving – vital for workplace performance.

3. Improved Energy Levels:

Improved Energy Levels

Regular upper cervical adjustments can help maintain optimal nerve function, promoting better sleep, and boosting energy levels – key for everyday performance.

Optimizing Performance with Dr. Lisa Olszewski

At Precision Spinal Care, Dr. Lisa Olszewski is dedicated to helping her patients reach their peak performance through tailored upper cervical care.

Recognizing the unique needs and goals of each patient, she provides precise and effective adjustments to optimize upper cervical health and consequently, overall performance.

Conclusion: Optimize Your Performance with Upper Cervical Care

Conclusion: Optimize Your Performance with Upper Cervical Care

Upper cervical care offers a natural and effective approach to performance optimization, touching various facets of physical and cognitive function.

This specialized form of care can unlock your potential, whether you’re an athlete aiming for peak physical performance, a professional seeking better cognitive function, or simply someone wanting to optimize everyday performance.

Ready to power up your performance? Reach out to Dr. Lisa Olszewski at Precision Spinal Care in Chelsea, MI.

Serving residents of Chelsea, Dexter, Grass Lake, Ann Arbor, Gregory, Pinckney, Manchester, Munith, Bridgewater, Whitmore Lake, Lakeland, Norvell, Hamburg, Stockbridge, and other neighboring communities, we’re here to help you unlock your performance potential.

Take the first step towards a more optimized you with upper cervical care today!

What’s a Subluxation?

What’s a Subluxation?

At Precision Spinal Care, a.k.a A Spine at a Time, our Chelsea, MI, chiropractor and the rest of our team are all about providing you with education and helping you make better, more informed decisions about your health. Today, we’d like to take the opportunity to educate you about subluxations. 

As you read our blogs, you may see this word throughout them. While we tout the power of chiropractic care and its ability to correct this issue, it’s helpful to know exactly what one is, giving you a better understanding of how chiropractic care can benefit you. 

So let’s get to it!

General Information 

Our Chelsea chiropractor uses this term to describe when part of a joint is out of its proper position. It’s most often used when referring to the vertebrae in the back and neck.  

Interestingly enough, the word is taken from two Latin words. One is sub, which means slightly or somewhat, while the other is luxate — a word that means to dislocate.

It can affect any part of your spine, including the cervical, thoracic, or lumbar spine.


When you suffer from a subluxation, it won’t make your spine appear crooked. The misalignment tends to be slight, and sometimes it won’t cause any symptoms right away, though it can. Possible signs of a subluxation in the spine include the following:

  • Pain
  • Tenderness
  • Stiffness 
  • Soreness
  • Decrease in spinal flexibility 
  • Muscle spasms
  • Numbness 
  • Tingling
  • Chronic headaches

Keep in mind that symptoms like numbness, pain, and tingling may extend down the extremities, depending on the location of the subluxation. 

The symptoms directly stem from stress and irritation from the misalignment on the surrounding soft tissue and nerves. Ultimately, the subluxation can throw off the body’s normal nervous system function. When left untreated, the problem may worsen over time due to damage. 


Subluxations can happen for a variety of reasons. For instance, if you’re in a car accident, the pressure from the impact can cause one or more misalignments. The impact of a fall, physical assault, and other similar personal injuries may also cause this problem. Even babies can suffer from this issue as a result of the birth process, and a mother can experience it due to pregnancy.  

Our Chelsea chiropractor would like to stress that even activities you perform on a normal basis can place stress on the spine and cause a subluxation, such as the position you sleep in, poor posture when you sit or stand, and lifting improperly. 

In some cases, the issue lies with the fact that you have a chronic condition or illness. For example, you could develop a thoracic misalignment because of rheumatoid arthritis. 

When you live a sedentary lifestyle, you’re specifically stressing the lower portion of your back, referred to as the lumbar region. Over time, this stress can lead to misalignments and recurring pain

How We Help 

At Precision Spinal Care, our Chelsea chiropractor emphasizes the importance of spinal health on overall health and how subluxations can wreak havoc on the nervous system. 

As briefly noted, these don’t tend to be major misalignments, allowing us to take a gentle approach to correct them, known as a spinal adjustment, which repositions the vertebrae. 

Not only can correcting a subluxation help reduce or eliminate current symptoms, but catching a misalignment early can prevent problems in the future as well. 

Besides chiropractic adjustments, our practitioner can also provide you with lifestyle advice to help you prevent them. This may include helping you achieve better posture when you sit or stand or learning how to lift correctly to ease the burden of improper lifting on the back.
Book an appointment today to determine if you have a subluxation and receive a personalized care plan for it. Call us at 734-433-9564. We also offer the quick and convenient option of online booking!

Aging Gracefully: The Science of Upper Cervical Care and its Impact on Senior Health

Aging Gracefully: The Science of Upper Cervical Care and its Impact on Senior Health

Aging is a natural part of life, but it need not be a downward spiral into discomfort and disease. With the right care, we can not only age gracefully but also actively and healthfully. One often overlooked yet powerful tool in promoting senior health is upper cervical chiropractic care.

At Precision Spinal Care in Chelsea, MI, Dr. Lisa Olszewski leverages the science of upper cervical care to enhance the health and vitality of her senior patients. This blog post explores the science behind this specialized form of care and its benefits for senior citizens.

The Intersection of Aging and Upper Cervical Health

The Intersection of Aging and Upper Cervical Health

The upper cervical spine, consisting of the first two vertebrae (C1 and C2), is a vital area that directly influences the brainstem and the central nervous system.

As we age, various factors can lead to misalignments in this region, disrupting the crucial communication between the brain and body, potentially resulting in various health issues.

Upper cervical care focuses on correcting these misalignments, restoring proper communication, and promoting overall health and wellness. Understanding the impact of this specialized form of care on senior health requires delving into its key benefits.

Unveiling the Benefits: Upper Cervical Care for Seniors

Unveiling the Benefits- Upper Cervical Care for Seniors

1. Promoting Mobility and Balance:

Misalignments in the upper cervical spine can affect balance and coordination, increasing the risk of falls in seniors. By correcting these misalignments, upper cervical care can help improve mobility and balance, fostering greater independence.

2. Boosting Immune Function:

A well-functioning immune system is crucial as we age. Proper alignment in the upper cervical spine ensures optimal communication between the brain and the immune system, thereby enhancing immune function.

3. Enhancing Overall Well-Being:

Enhancing Overall Well-Being

By ensuring proper nerve communication, upper cervical care can contribute to better sleep, improved mood, and increased energy levels. These elements are crucial for maintaining quality of life in senior years.

4. Managing Chronic Conditions:

Upper cervical care can help manage the symptoms of many age-related conditions, such as arthritis and degenerative disc disease, by addressing inflammation and improving nerve function.

Precision Care with Dr. Lisa Olszewski

At Precision Spinal Care, Dr. Lisa Olszewski’s mission is to enhance the health and well-being of her patients through precision upper cervical care. She understands the unique challenges faced by seniors and tailors her approach to meet their individual needs.

Her holistic approach extends beyond immediate symptom relief to focus on long-term health and quality of life.

Conclusion: Embrace Aging with Upper Cervical Care

Upper cervical care offers a powerful, natural approach to health that can help seniors not just cope with aging but truly thrive.

It underscores the adage that prevention is the best medicine, with a focus on maintaining optimal spinal and nervous system health to enhance overall well-being.

To discover how upper cervical care can help enhance senior health, contact Dr. Lisa Olszewski at Precision Spinal Care in Chelsea, MI.

Serving residents of Chelsea, Dexter, Grass Lake, Ann Arbor, Gregory, Pinckney, Manchester, Munith, Bridgewater, Whitmore Lake, Lakeland, Norvell, Hamburg, Stockbridge, and neighboring communities, we’re here to support your journey to a healthier, vibrant life in your golden years.

Take the first step towards aging gracefully with upper cervical care today!