What’s Disc Degeneration?

What’s Disc Degeneration?

Did a doctor or chiropractor previously diagnose you with disc degeneration? If they weren’t explicit about what that means, you may question what the condition entails and how you can take steps to ease the symptoms. You might even question what caused it.

At Precision Spinal Care, aspineatatime.com, serving Chelsea, MI, and the nearby regions, we’d like to talk to you about disc degeneration and explain some general information. 

We encourage you to contact us if you have any further questions or are ready to book and see for yourself. 

General Information  

Degenerative disc disease is an issue that occurs over time as the discs (the rubbery cushions in your back) wear out over time. Since they act as shock absorbers, when they begin to change and become less flexible over time, you may experience back pain. 

Particularly, when you bend, twist, or lift, you may notice. 

The pain from degenerative disc disease may interfere with your ability to move your back as usual. 

This condition can progress over time, causing you more pain and discomfort. Fortunately, you can reduce the prevalence of symptoms with the proper care and slow the progression, allowing you to maintain as much function and flexion as possible while preventing the pain from worsening. 


As noted, pain is the main symptom of degenerative disc disease. It may appear as a nagging pain or be so intense that it’s debilitating. While it can happen when you put your back in motion, sometimes, it’ll appear when you sit for prolonged periods and stress the discs in the back. 

When the pain affects the lower back, you may have symptoms that extend down the buttocks and legs. If it affects the neck, you may have symptoms that extend down your arms.  

You may notice that the pain from degenerative disc disease will improve whenever you stand. 

You might also feel better whenever you’re walking, jogging, or running since you’re easing the load on these discs. Even changing positions, such as lying down, can help to ease the pain. 

As a chiropractor in Chelsea, we’d like to stress that the pain from this condition may come and go. You may have periods of increased pain that lasts between a few days and a few months. 


Most people have some degree of degeneration after 40 as a result of aging and wear and tear on the spine. 

Some people are more likely to have degenerative disc disease than others. For instance, if you’ve had one or more injuries that affected your back in the past, you’re more at risk. Obesity can also elevate your chances, as it places excessive pressure on the discs. 

Women, smokers, and those with a physically demanding job also have a heightened likelihood of developing degenerative disc disease. 

Chiropractic Care 

When you visit your upper cervical Chelsea MI chiropractor, we’ll determine if you have degenerative disc disease as well as the extent of it. We’ll determine the phase of it, one through four, to accurately gauge it. 

Once we have an understanding of your condition, we’ll tailor a plan for your specific needs. 

One of the most common treatments we use for degenerative disc disease is a chiropractic adjustment — a treatment that consists of a chiropractor from our office realigning the vertebrae in the spine to correct subluxations and reduce pressure on the discs. 

Precision Spinal care, serving Chelsea, MI, and the surrounding area, offers treatment for disc degeneration. Though we can provide you with treatments in our office, we can also supply you with information you can use at home to help manage your pain and other symptoms. 
Book an appointment at our office by calling 734-433-9564. You can also send us a message.

Unveiling the Potential of Upper Cervical Chiropractic in Elevating Children’s Health and Wellness

Unveiling the Potential of Upper Cervical Chiropractic in Elevating Children’s Health and Wellness

As parents, our top priority is the health and well-being of our children. From proper nutrition to regular exercise, we go to great lengths to ensure their optimal growth and development.

However, one often overlooked aspect of children’s health is the state of their spinal alignment. Dr. Lisa Olszewski and the team at Precision Spinal Care in Chelsea, MI, specialize in upper cervical chiropractic care, which plays a pivotal role in fostering your child’s health on multiple fronts.

The Basics: Decoding Upper Cervical Chiropractic

The Basics: Decoding Upper Cervical Chiropractic

Let’s begin by breaking down this complex term. Upper cervical chiropractic is a specific focus within the broader field of chiropractic care that emphasizes the delicate area where the skull meets the spine.

Dr. Lisa Olszewski employs finely-tuned techniques to align this critical area, aiding in nerve function and, subsequently, promoting overall well-being.

Why is it Essential for Children?

Why is it Essential for Children?

You might wonder, “Why would a child need chiropractic care?” The reality is, from tumbles and falls to the weight of backpacks, children put their spines under a lot of stress, which can lead to misalignments.

A misaligned spine can:

  • Affect neural communication
  • Lead to posture issues
  • Cause pain or discomfort
  • Disrupt sleep patterns

The Approach: Individualized Care

The Approach: Individualized Care

Every child is unique, and their healthcare should be too. Here’s what you can expect when you bring your child to Precision Spinal Care:

1. Initial Consultation: Dr. Lisa Olszewski will talk to you and your child to understand their specific health needs.

2. Detailed Examination: State-of-the-art equipment is used to assess the alignment and health of your child’s upper cervical spine.

3. Personalized Treatment Plans: Dr. Lisa will design an individualized treatment regimen, focusing on spinal health and overall well-being.

The Method: Precision in Application

Precision is key, especially when it comes to children. Dr. Lisa employs non-invasive techniques, avoiding the high-velocity thrusts commonly associated with chiropractic care. Instead, she uses precise tools and gentle touches to make corrections.

The All-Around Approach: Beyond Spinal Health

The All-Around Approach: Beyond Spinal Health

Upper cervical chiropractic care does not function in a vacuum. Dr. Lisa Olszewski views it as part of an integrated wellness plan that also encompasses:

1. Dietary Guidelines: Nutrition can significantly impact a child’s neural function and growth.

2. Physical Activity Plans: Age-appropriate exercises to complement the spinal care.

3. Posture Training: Learning good posture early can pay dividends later in life.

The Lasting Impact: Sustainable Health Benefits

The Lasting Impact: Sustainable Health Benefits

So, what are the long-term perks of upper cervical chiropractic care for children?

Through ongoing care and at-home exercises, children can enjoy:

  • Improved posture
  • Better sleep
  • Reduced incidence of common childhood ailments
  • Enhanced focus and cognitive function

The Takeaway: Investing in Your Child’s Future

The Takeaway: Investing in Your Child's Future

Your child’s well-being today lays the foundation for a healthy, happy future. Upper cervical chiropractic care can be a powerful tool in this journey, helping to fine-tune their nervous system for optimal performance.

Whether you are seeking ways to enhance your child’s focus in school or you’re interested in a holistic approach to their overall health, Dr. Lisa Olszewski and the team at Precision Spinal Care in Chelsea, MI, have the expertise to guide you.

We’re honored to serve the residents of Chelsea, Dexter, Grass Lake, Ann Arbor, Gregory, Pinckney, Manchester, Munith, Bridgewater, Whitmore Lake, Lakeland, Norvell, Hamburg, Stockbridge, and other neighboring communities.

Reach out to us today to schedule a personalized consultation and give your child the healthy edge they deserve!

Finding a Chiropractor in Chelsea, MI

Finding a Chiropractor in Chelsea, MI

Want to know what chiropractic care is like, while discovering if it has the power to relieve your back pain and enhance function and flexion, among its other benefits? As with any practitioner, not all are created equal. And choosing the wrong one can be the difference between receiving the full benefits of chiropractic care or not. .

Since you’re looking for a chiropractor in Chelsea, MI, we’d like to take some time to give you some information to help you decide. 

Choose Based on the Type of Services They Provide

Chiropractic adjustments are a common chiropractic treatment that many practitioners provide. In some cases, it’s the only service they supply. With that being said, sometimes, it isn’t beneficial for all types of back pain. Sometimes, the treatment just isn’t enough to combat the problem alone. 

Therefore, as you first start looking for a chiropractor in Chelsea, MI, you obviously begin with performing a search for a practitioner in the area. The next step is to check out some of the top search results. Read each site to see what services the chiropractor provides and think about whether or not those services will benefit you. 

If you feel like adjustments could be enough, you don’t need to see what else they provide. You may even give a practitioner who merely offers chiropractic adjustments a try and discover if that’s enough for your particular situation. Just make sure you start the treatment with an open mind and give it an opportunity to work since some people require multiple treatments before they receive the benefit. 

Consider Your Insurance… Or Not. 

Don’t get us wrong, not every health insurance plan covers chiropractic care at all. And some only cover a small portion. Keep in mind that if you have a Marketplace plan through the national government, the plans don’t have to cover chiropractic care. Each state has its own set of regulations that may include what the plans need to cover, such as if it covers chiropractic care. 

We’d like to stress that each provider may have restrictions when it comes to chiropractic care. 

For instance, the plan may only cover this care if you sustain an injury or have a chronic condition. On the other hand, it may not cover if the service is merely because you want to prevent problems in the future or would like to optimize your overall health.

Check Credentials and Experience 

Think about what matters most when you’re looking for other professionals. You often look for credentials, education, and experience. The concept is vital when it comes to choosing a chiropractor, especially since you may be spending both time and money and are in dire need of a solution. 

Therefore, before you choose a practitioner, look into where they attended school, any additional certifications they have, and their history in practice. 

Read Patients Reviews 

As you’re searching for a Chelsea chiropractor, you should consider the reviews. 

Fortunately, by performing a web search for a local practitioner, you can see what other real-life patients thought about their experience with the practice. 

You can see what other people had gripes about and how they felt the practitioner and facility were overall. 

At Precision Spinal Care, www.aspineatatime.com, we have Dr. Lisa O, our local chiropractor who is skilled in chiropractic care with more than the necessary credentials. We don’t just want you to take our word for it, either. Please take the time to review our site and schedule a consultation to see if you’re a candidate for upper cervical chiropractic.

If you’re ready for that consultation, contact us at (734) 433-9564 or by using our online form. 

The Spine’s Symphony: The Art of Keeping a Healthy Backbone with Upper Cervical Care

The Spine’s Symphony: The Art of Keeping a Healthy Backbone with Upper Cervical Care

In the panorama of human health, the spine stands as a veritable pillar, orchestrating an intricate symphony of bodily functions. Just like a carefully composed musical piece, the balance of the spinal column is essential for harmony within the body.

Dr. Lisa Olszewski at Precision Spinal Care in Chelsea, MI, is your trusted conductor in the art of maintaining a healthy spine, with a specialized focus on upper cervical care.

Let’s dive into the nuanced world of spinal well-being and the incredible role that upper cervical care plays in it.

The Spinal Orchestra: Why It Matters

Imagine your body as a grand orchestra, with the spinal column as the conductor, directing the show. This metaphor is particularly apt when you consider how the upper cervical area—the top two vertebrae of your spine—regulates numerous bodily functions.

Misalignment in this zone can lead to a cascade of health problems, making upper cervical care crucial for sustaining the ‘music’ of your well-being.

The Suite of Benefits: Upper Cervical Care’s Broad Impact

The Suite of Benefits: Upper Cervical Care’s Broad Impact

1. Harmonizing the Nervous System:

Proper alignment in the upper cervical region fosters a well-functioning nervous system, which in turn optimizes the function of organs and tissues throughout the body.

2. Pain Relief:

Pain Relief

Chronic back and neck pain often find their root in spinal misalignments. Upper cervical care can help in eliminating this discomfort, allowing you to lead a more active life.

3. Muscle Balance:

An aligned upper cervical spine encourages a balanced muscular system, reducing the likelihood of injuries and improving physical performance.

4. Better Sleep:

Better Sleep

Quality of sleep is closely linked to spinal health. Upper cervical adjustments can alleviate issues like sleep apnea and insomnia.

Conducting Your Health: Dr. Lisa Olszewski’s Approach

When you step into Precision Spinal Care, you’ll experience a health journey that is tailored to meet your unique spinal needs. Dr. Lisa Olszewski employs cutting-edge diagnostic tools and techniques to identify and rectify any misalignments in your upper cervical spine.

Her methodology prioritizes non-invasive and holistic practices designed to naturally maintain a healthy spinal column.

Encores and Applause: Patient Testimonials

The range of success stories from our patients serves as robust testament to the efficacy of upper cervical care in fostering a healthier spine.

These stories range from significant pain relief to enhanced athletic performance, and even to improved mental well-being.

Self-Care Overtures: Complementary Lifestyle Changes

Self-Care Overtures: Complementary Lifestyle Changes

While the focal point remains upper cervical adjustments, Dr. Lisa Olszewski often provides additional advice for lifestyle adjustments. These might include recommendations for exercises, dietary changes, and posture improvement techniques that collectively contribute to sustaining spinal health.

Curtain Call: The Lasting Benefits of Upper Cervical Care

Maintaining a healthy spine is akin to sustaining the rhythm and harmony in a musical composition. With upper cervical care, you not only target localized issues but contribute to your body’s overall performance.

It is a foundational approach that resonates through the multiple layers of your well-being, making it a cornerstone in the art of keeping a healthy backbone.

Ready to start conducting your health symphony with a well-aligned spine? Contact Dr. Lisa Olszewski at Precision Spinal Care in Chelsea, MI.

We are delighted to offer our services to the residents of Chelsea, Dexter, Grass Lake, Ann Arbor, Gregory, Pinckney, Manchester, Munith, Bridgewater, Whitmore Lake, Lakeland, Norvell, Hamburg, Stockbridge, and surrounding communities.

Book your appointment today and make the art of a healthy spine a part of your life!

Stand Tall and Unshakable: The Power of Upper Cervical Chiropractic in Perfecting Your Posture

Stand Tall and Unshakable: The Power of Upper Cervical Chiropractic in Perfecting Your Posture

Ever noticed how your posture changes the way you feel and even the way others perceive you? It’s not just about aesthetics. Good posture is a building block of overall health, offering benefits that range from improved confidence to a stronger musculoskeletal system.

At the heart of good posture lies your upper cervical spine. This critical section, composed of the first two vertebrae, holds the key to your posture potential.

Dr. Lisa Olszewski and her team at Precision Spinal Care in Chelsea, MI, are experts in unlocking this potential through upper cervical chiropractic techniques.

What’s the Big Deal About Posture, Anyway?

What’s the Big Deal About Posture, Anyway

Posture is essentially a physical representation of how well your body’s musculoskeletal system is working.

Poor posture can lead to a multitude of problems, such as:

  • Chronic pain
  • Impaired lung function
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle tension
  • Reduced self-esteem

The Upper Cervical Spine: A Vital Player in Posture Management

The Upper Cervical Spine: A Vital Player in Posture Management

Think of your upper cervical spine as the foundational layer of your posture. Any misalignment here creates a ripple effect that can throw off your body’s balance, leading to a slouch, uneven shoulders, and even chronic pain.

Upper cervical chiropractic techniques are designed to correct these foundational issues, providing a cascading benefit to your posture and overall health.

Transformation Through Techniques: How Upper Cervical Chiropractic Works

Transformation Through Techniques: How Upper Cervical Chiropractic Works

1. Precise Diagnosis:

Before crafting a treatment plan, Dr. Lisa Olszewski employs specialized diagnostic tools to identify any misalignments in the upper cervical area.

2. Personalized Treatment:

No two spines are the same. That’s why at Precision Spinal Care, each treatment plan is individually tailored, aiming to correct the unique imbalances that are affecting your posture.

3. Follow-up and Fine-tuning:

Post-treatment, Dr. Lisa Olszewski uses follow-up sessions to ensure that the adjustments are yielding the desired improvements, making any necessary refinements to the treatment plan.

4. Holistic Health:

4. Holistic Health

Beyond adjustments, Dr. Lisa often recommends lifestyle changes that will serve to prolong and complement the benefits of your treatment.

These might include specific exercises to strengthen back muscles, or even ergonomic advice for your work-from-home setup.

Your Posture, Your Palette: Crafting a Holistic Health Picture

What sets Dr. Lisa Olszewski’s approach apart is the overarching view of health as an interconnected web. In addition to correcting your upper cervical misalignment, she’ll provide you with the resources and advice you need to build on that foundation, resulting in a more comprehensive health improvement.

Long-Term Benefits: A Future of Healthy Posture

Long-Term Benefits: A Future of Healthy Posture

The immediate benefits of better posture include less pain, increased energy, and an uptick in confidence.

However, the long-term advantages go even deeper:

  • A more robust musculoskeletal system
  • Enhanced emotional well-being
  • Reduced risk of spinal and muscular issues in later life

Step-By-Step: Everyday Measures for Optimal Posture

Step-By-Step: Everyday Measures for Optimal Posture

Dr. Lisa Olszewski doesn’t just focus on what can be done in her clinic. She equips her patients with actionable steps that they can incorporate into their daily routines. These measures, from simple exercises to mind-body techniques, further solidify the results of upper cervical adjustments.

Conclusion: Take the Stand for Better Health

Unfurl your potential, starting from the core of your body—your spine. By opting for upper cervical chiropractic techniques, you are taking a critical step toward achieving not just improved posture but holistic well-being.

Interested in knowing more? Dr. Lisa Olszewski and the Precision Spinal Care team are ready to assist you. We proudly cater to residents of Chelsea, Dexter, Grass Lake, Ann Arbor, Gregory, Pinckney, Manchester, Munith, Bridgewater, Whitmore Lake, Lakeland, Norvell, Hamburg, Stockbridge, and other neighboring communities.

Schedule your appointment today and embark on the journey to perfect posture and superior health.